Discuss Edith Wharton's

The Age of Innocence

with AI-powered Original Commentary by

Roxane Gay

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The Age of Innocence AI eBook


Words of original commentary available for interactive AI discussions inside the eBook

x 75 mins

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The Age of Innocence

Rebound by Roxane Gay
In Edith Wharton's novel, The Age of Innocence, Newland Archer is a young lawyer engaged to the lovely but conventional May Welland. Their worlds are soon turned upside down when Archer falls in love with the intriguing and unconventional Countess Ellen Olenska.

Wharton masterfully uses this love triangle to explore themes of love, duty, and the conflict between individual desires and societal norms. The book won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, making Wharton the first woman to win the prize.

Experience this timeless story on Rebind under the guidance of acclaimed writer, professor and cultural critic Roxane Gay. Best known for her New York Times best-selling essay collection, Bad Feminist, Gay brings her insightful commentary and questions to this beloved novel, which she calls her "favorite of favorites."

The Age of Innocence comes alive with her commentary, nudging you to reflect about critical moments in the plot with thoughtful questions. Read. Watch. Discuss. Repeat. Immerse yourself in Wharton's masterpiece like never before, only on Rebind.
Here are some questions Gay will invite you to ponder while reading The Age of Innocence:
  • May seems to know her fiancé is falling in love with Ellen...or is she totally innocent of this? Why do you think she is so kind to Ellen if her fiancé is indeed falling in love with another woman?
  • Should the Countess and Newland run off together? Why or why not? How does moral integrity fit into this picture? Or are all of these characters equally dishonest?

“Edith Wharton takes great attention with the details that make the world of her novel vibrant and indelible, and I hope you lose yourself in her words as much as I do”

- Roxane Gay

$59.95 or Subscribe for unlimited access for $28 $10/mo (Billed annually).

This is the most creative and interesting book-related AI tech I've seen so far, and I'm happy to see big-name authors leading by example with their openness to exploring generative uses of this technology.

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff at Book Riot

I am suddenly seeing what I was missing, marveling at the explosive possibility of interacting in these discussions. I didn't realize how organic the interactions can be. I only had to make one comment, read the response and then follow up, and all of a sudden I was learning unexpected things.


Rebind Reader

I've been reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra on Rebind, and it's magical. It's suddenly difficult to imagine reading without having this ongoing discussion where I can ask a hundred questions.


Rebind Reader

There are a collection of books that are a little intimidating because I never approached them or spent time with them. Having this guided experienced with great context through video and an AI personality to chat with really helps with that.


Rebind Reader

I felt like this was the best parts of a literature course, where you get the knowledge of someone who has really studied the text without the drain of having to write a paper at the end. For me, this is really kind of perfect.


Rebinder Reader

Rebind’s use of AI to honor and preserve classic literature —and facilitate our appreciation of reading these quintessential texts with personalized analysis—seems like a worthwhile exploration.

Ronit Novak

The Grain


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